What to Expect

A social story is a tool to help individuals know what to expect when they enter a new and unfamiliar setting or situation. These are often written in first person to help an individual visualize themselves in the situation.

The entry to the church from the parking lot has a ramp and stairs.
Friendly people greet everyone coming to church.
The church service starts with songs of worship.
Enjoy snacks, coffee, and meeting new people after church.

I get ready for church

Today I am going to attend a church service at Wellspring. When I get dressed, I can wear whatever I want, whether that’s fancy or casual. Some people at church might wear suits or dresses, while others might wear jeans. I can arrive at Wellspring by car or by bus. Either way, I can enter the building by going up the ramp or stairs near the parking lot.

I find the church service

When I enter, I find myself in a foyer with a brick wall. There may be lots of people in here going in different directions. If I turn right and go through the double doors, I can find Wellspring’s sanctuary. Before I go in, I might meet some new people sitting at a table. I can tell them my name if they ask or introduce themselves. They seem very friendly. I can help myself to coffee while I wait for the church service to begin.

The church service begins

I start to hear music being played. This means that church is starting, and it’s time to go inside the sanctuary. When I do, there are lots of rows of pews, and I can take a place in any of them. I can sit near other people, or on my own. There is a band on stage singing and playing instruments. The words they are singing are on the screen behind them, so I can sing along if I want to. Most people in church are standing for now, but I can sit down if I want to. Someone on stage will announce when it’s time for everyone to sit.

I attend church

After the music ends, all the kids are invited to go to the children’s programs. There is a nursery for babies and young children on this floor. If I go there, I can play, colour, and sing songs. If I am old enough to go to school, I can go to the class in the basement. In this class, I can listen to a story, play games, and do crafts. The teachers will help families find their way to the right rooms. Kids are encouraged to go to their classes, but are welcome to stay with their families in the sanctuary if they choose not to go, or parents can stay with their kids in the classes. If I stay in the sanctuary, I can listen to some prayers, and to someone preaching a sermon and reading from the bible. After listening, everyone in the sanctuary stands and sings one more full song, then hears announcements of special things coming up at church. The service ends with one more short song called Doxology.

I leave church

After the church service is over, most people start talking with one another. There are lots of friendly people, and some of them approach me and chat with me too. We also have coffee and cookies near the table I saw when I came in. People tell me that sometimes, instead of a snack after church, a whole lunch is provided for everyone to enjoy together! I feel welcomed at church, and hope to see my new friends again next time. When I’m ready to go, I leave the same way I came in. I’m glad I came to church today.