Frequently asked questions.
What does Wellspring believe about 2SLGBTQ+ belonging?
The first thing that we need to state is that we believe that you belong here. Every part of you.
We acknowledge the harm that churches, ourselves included, have done to the 2SLGBTQ+ community. We want to apologise for our part in that and work towards reconciliation.
We value the belonging, safety, and full participation of the 2SLGBTQ+ community in our congregation.
Both the kingdom of God and Wellspring Worship Centre are more beautiful for their variety. Our church would not be the same without all of our valued members; regardless of their sexuality.
What do you guys think about Baptism, Communion, and Marriage?
We practice baptism by immersion at Wellspring for all of those who are ready to declare their trust in Jesus. If are interested in baptism feel free to send James an e-mail here.
Wellspring practices Communion in both the ceremonial way (with bread and juice) as well as the traditional way (sharing a full meal together). It is always our intention to imitate Jesus. Because at the Last Supper (and first communion) Jesus welcomed Judas it is our practice that no-one is excluded from communion at Wellspring.
James is not currently ordained, and therefore cannot perform civil marriage ceremonies. That said, he will happily perform religious marriage ceremonies for those who are a part of Wellspring.
Is Wellspring a safe space?
This is a difficult question to answer. It is our desire that everyone feels loved and that no-one feels excluded. We also recognise that, for some, the damage that the church has visited upon them is simply too great and, perhaps, no church will ever be safe. We can tell you that you will never encounter malice at Wellspring. There may be disagreement between members about a whole variety of things. We expect those disagreements to be discussed only within the bounds of a mutually loving and generous relationship.
We can also tell you that there are multiple members of our congregation who have come from deeply wounding church backgrounds; they are our friends, our family, and we are richer for having them.
So… what about the washrooms?
Wellspring has two gender-neutral washrooms on the main floor of our building.
I still have a lot of questions. Who can I talk to?
There are lots of people at Wellspring who would be delighted to talk with you. We invite you to reach out to our Pastor, James, as he has a bit more time in the week for conversation (and it’s his favourite thing to do).